Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Most Wanted

Today I learnt something,
That of all that the wise men say,
Of the reality they talk about,
The hard work they inspire you to do,
The courage they want you to show,
The heights they want you to scale,
The traits they want you to drop,
The habits they wish you to keep,
The attitude they want you to let go off,
The cool and casualness they caution you about,
The principles of life that the lay down...

I strived to achieve all...
I accustomed to the reality...
I worked hard and made my sacrifices...
I showed the courage...
I drained myself to achieve new heights...
I subdued my wild side to be wise...
I learnt the hardest of the habits...
I let go of my cool attitude...
I learnt to be careful and responsible...
I tried to achieve and imbibe those hard principles in my life...

Yet on my way to be a wise man...
All that cool things I subdued...
Born different, I merged and became a commoner...
The sacrifices i made...
Of letting go off the wild side...
The respect and praise I earned...

All the things i did to achieve the ONE...
Today, told me that now I'm no more different...
Told me that I was over qualified to achieve it...
That i undermine myself, even if it is lust that drives me to it...
That i can no more achieve it...!!

Today, I feel like that walnut on the breakfast table,
Which everyone skips for the cashew nut!!
As endurance makes it hard on the outside,
How so ever soft it might be inside,
To offer its softness,
It must the shattered brutally on the outside,
Till last of its hard shell is done away with...
Its softness does taste sweet...
But it is shattered beyond repair...
It’s shattered beyond repair...
Its sole fault, it learnt to live life the way a bit too wise..!!